Who We Serve
Mid-Career Physicians

Navigating New Financial Planning Hurdles & Opportunities for Mid-Career Physicians
Your student loans are out of the way (happy dance!), you may even officially be a homeowner, and perhaps family planning is full speed ahead...so, now what? At this phase for our docs, the story usually pivots to accumulation. That net worth chart starts to look like a hockey stick, and we start to question what's the next move and how to optimize (and protect) from here?
Does this sound like you?
Have you been an attending physician for the past 5-15 years?
If so, we can help you:
- Maximize your investments. We can organize all those investment buckets, including 403b, 457bs, Backdoor Roths, and other taxable accounts.
- Plan your taxes (better!) Tax planning takes on a much larger role during this period of your career as the focus shifts not only to income tax planning but towards portfolio builds for tax efficiency.
- Protect your assets. Here are some serious assets that start to grow right about now and we’ll help you safeguard them.
- Plan for the future. From funding the kiddo’s private school and summer camps, to planning for college and organizing estate documents and 529 plans, we got you!
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Plan Creation with Ongoing
Planning & Investment
One-Time Plan
Creation Only
Plan Name
Inpatient Planning
Outpatient Planning
One-time Plan Creation Fee
*For Medical Residents & Fellows, we offer a reduced flat-fee of $500 for your monthly subscription while in training.